Welcome to FussBudget Farm
It really is amazing how much you can accomplish on just under an acre of land. Located in New Market, Alabama just outside the city limits of Huntsville. On our small place we host a flock of Welsummer chickens, ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats, a breed pair of New Zealand White rabbits and a raft of Rouen ducks. We also enjoy flower, vegetable & herb gardening and (thanks to the critters) there is a decent sized compost pile.

It is our belief life becomes more enriched when you take everyday tasks back to basic, are grateful, appreciate what the earth offers and love one another well. Although technology and progress have plenty to recommend them there is nothing like using MeMaw and Granny's equipment to can tomatoes grown in your garden. Well, except maybe the chili made during winter from those tomatoes canned in GrandMa's jars.
Our Resource page has lots of links on homesteading & farming. You will also find valuable information on gardening, raising goats, chicken & quail, as well as tutorials, recipes, and suppliers for soap making.

Your comments and input are always welcomed feel free to contact us by email at fussbudgetfarm@gmail.com